How now brown cow?
Any tips for eczema sufferers?
I've tried nearly anything. From...

1. Steroids cream/protopique by dermatologists. They heal and then come back again soon as I stop using. And 1 side of my face has veins showing already. >.<
2. TCM. Which made my face get worse because I'm apparently ALLERGIC to her cream although she kept denying.
3. BRT. It really kinda worked, but effect is fluctuating, and it's EXPENSIVE. Oh, did I mention that the above 2 are also very costly?
4. Facial. It worked very well on the first visit, but then, it's losing its effect already. >.< And it's not cheap either.
5. Using Shea Butter Raw, but I used it when I was on the TCM treatment, which didn't help either.
6. Using Rose Hip Oil, which a fellow eczema sufferer in Singapore suggested. But it didn't really calm my eczema down too.
7. A costly bottle of Emu Oil. Which itched when I put it on. Maybe because I didn't wash my face with cleanser then because I was afraid of allergy to the cleanser.
Ok. So now I'm waiting for my Mario Badescu's Control Cream (recommended for eczematic skin) to arrive from overseas? I'll let you know if it works.
Oh, and does anybody have personal experience of clearing eczema up with diamond water?
i strongly advice to consult a skin specialist for better and faster solution....